It's almost here! Christmas is looming near and the children are all counting down the days, even the older ones! I was thinking about Mason and trying to picture him as he would be now, wondering what he would be doing and saying. That is a tough one because we really couldn't predict that very well. I know that up in heaven he is saying and doing all the things he should be at 4 years old! That lead my thoughts to Mother Mary and as I sat here missing Mason and, well, essentially feeling sorry for myself, I thought about how SHE must have felt when her son died. How heartwrenching to see him suffer and not be able to comfort him. I think that she must have been a very strong woman to go through all that she did and give up her son for us. We should remember her too on the day of his birth, this amazing woman who gave birth to our saviour and loved him-her baby, her child- and then had to stand back and watch him die. She did have one glorious moment that I have yet to experience and that would be seeing that child again whole and happy. But my day will come and then I will get to see them both!
Merry Christmas Mason, I hung your ornaments like I do every year. Papa is taking your tree to you tomorrow and we got you another light. Look down and see how pretty your spot is! We miss you so very much baby boy! XOXO Nana
Merry Christmas Mason, I hung your ornaments like I do every year. Papa is taking your tree to you tomorrow and we got you another light. Look down and see how pretty your spot is! We miss you so very much baby boy! XOXO Nana